--> "The Hokey Pokey" has been a subject of controversy of late. It seems, initially being axed for verses containing anti-catholic foundations (a seeming parody of catholic mass), upon futher research was found to be about blow! Britain's the "Hokey Cokey" was penned by Jimmy Kennedy as a mining song celebrating the effects of cocaine.
--> Kebabs can pork around 1000 calories and take up about 98% of your daily salt intake. Some kebabs have been found to be mislabeled, as some marketed as Halal contained pork.
--> Skim milk is like murky water.
--> The budget cuts are nice. Infrastructure is a waste of time though, please spend money on something that will keep generating jobs for future, not for five years. How about that coalition?
--> I'm sorry I'm posting this, but doesn't it remind you of Kanye's "love lockdown" on chipmunk pitch?