--> I am trying to work on the fact that most of my "self" comes from how successful I am in my chosen career. At this point, my self is very small.
--> Today, something positive happened, surprising in fact, and I thought that maybe, just maybe I had a case of luck.
--> how long are four-leaf clovers lucky? Does that luck have a half-life? Or expiry date? I thought they were only good for seven years, but Kas seems to think the luck lasts forever. In any case, I found one in June of 98, and I am trying to determine whether it is still lucky. I have it in a ziploc bag, flattened with celo wrap, browning. Should I determine the luck by myth/folklore or with what is happening in my life?
--> My sidebars, more often than not can be solved with the aid of Google, but perhaps we should look to another source of inspiration and reflection, Dr. Ronald Chevalier: