Although interesting, this really just attests to how much a waste of time, energy, and money television is. That of course is the source, but not the message. Disregard dead brain cells.
I have a TV in my room, but I only watch movies. They are a slow burn, but at least, from the happy relationship with extended timeframes, they are mostly artistic messages. You don't lose yourself watching TV the way you do a movie. However, don't think for a second I haven't noticed car/cellphone commercials weaved within the previews.
As most things humanly destructive, it is our fault. Why do we hate ourselves so much? We have a brain faculty for forethought don't we? I don't think we needed a "scientist" to tell us this -->
"Researchers have begun documenting what they dub the "Truman syndrome," a delusion afflicting people who are convinced that their lives are secretly playing out on a reality TV show. Scientists say the disorder underscores the influence pop culture can have on mental conditions."