
Holy shit, this guy looks like my husband!

--> The perfect (looking) man.

-->I will invest in a full-body warmer. Similar to the leg warmer, but more encompassing.
--> Lemon tea makes sitting at this desk bareable. Don't ask me how or why.
--> My bed -- white ploufs of downfill and green downy sheets -- makes me want to give up on the day.
--> Cold is endless, I feel like a fish. Blue blood in a bone china way, shivered and sterile, yet without royalty.

New CDs I freely acquired:
Gossip in the Grain: Ray LaMontagne: 1sts: sounds like the lovechild gruff of Tina Turner and Michael Bolton with an acoustic guitar-playing beard. I appreciate his unique sound, but sometimes find myself waiting for something to happen. I like the quiet ones though. (FOR my full review, go here.)
Virgin Talk: Bad Flirt: 1sts: Sucks. The record is hinged on systematic chord progressions. Girl singers with a 90s heart, beware of channeling hyperbolic Veruca Salt voices (who rule in context only). The tunes go straight to the background and might as well be the sound a machine makes while making pylons.