My story, Baggy Orange Shorts, got published as one of eight prize winners for "The Summer of Funny" at Pique magazine in Whistler. My story is at the bottom. They say it is in "no particular order" and we all receive $50 big ones. HA! Special thanks goes out to Parker, my former creative writing teacher, and Claudia, fellow writer/supporter/voice (bahaha do I sound like an asshole yet?)
This is what the magazine has to say about the outcome:
Every season has a mood. Fall is for reflection, winter is somber and serious, and spring is the joy of rebirth. Summer has always belonged to the jesters. It's the season of humour writers like Stephen Leacock and P.J. O'Rourke, of ice cream stains on khaki shorts, of bellyflops into just swimmable lakes, of people going "ooh, ow, ah," while waddling across hot beaches with soft feet, weighted down with folding chairs, beach bags and coolers. The heat makes us dizzy, the cold beer and deck chairs make our problems seem less serious.
I'm pleased to say that Pique received a lot of great submissions to our first Summer of Funny humour contest this year, almost 20 submissions. Judging was extremely difficult, as nothing is more subjective than comedy. Some people are partial to scatology, a branch of humour that is focused on the things we excrete like sulfurous gas and poo. Others defer to irony, which is ironically the most difficult type of humour to define because it tends to disappear the moment you point it out.
Without further ado, here is our list of prize winners, in no particular order. All of our submissions will be posted online so you can judge for yourself, but these are the entries we enjoyed the most.
As for prizing, the editorial board - Pique writers could not agree on any kind of ranking for our finalists and the consensus was to share the $400 out among the top eight entries.
READ IT HERE. (scroll to the bottom)