I.e. Deep and Delicious, Chocolate. McCain's. Servings: 12. (Servings when high: 1.5)
-> Stauffer's should come out with a box of diet Animal Crackers called: Endangered Animal Crackers. Consumers will feel bad for eating them, and then won't.
-> Twitter should sell t-shirts that say: Twit or Tweet? Those would be huge around Halloween. I don't know what you would do to "Twit" though...maybe condone social networking or the isolationist behaviour that twitter perpetuates.
(I, personally, love twitter. Follow me. andGrassi@twitter.com. I'm on it right now. I've been on it all day. Just sitting at my computer. No one is home, so I listen to classic rock really loud, too. Sometimes I dance along, or pretend that I can play an instrument. Everyone should be in a band, if only in their heads.)