Read about "binary code," listened to "Masterfade" by Andrew Bird, and then wrote these caprecious sidebars (At least, ill-educated, I think these make sense...and are subsequently funny. They fire to my newly schooled, but still dinosaurly inclined, tech cells anyhow. A few axons missing? Maybe a defunct synapse here and there...) Comic (not mine) probably the funniest thing about this post. But hi-ho, i'll try...
- > BA:
- > BA:
"Does this HTML look good on me?"
- >DA:
- >DA:
1 (position 8) says to 1 (position 10) of the word 0110110101100001011100100111001001101001011000010110011101100101 ("marriage"):
"Once you're in a base-2, you just think about all the other whole numbers you are missing out on."
- >BING!:
"Once you're in a base-2, you just think about all the other whole numbers you are missing out on."
- >BING!:
"I hate these uniforms."
-> GA-LING!:
"Your chevron, my chevron."