
more about childhood; or lack thereof

Used to love this show. I think because of the theme song, and the fact that in middle school, her pals looked wasted (Yes, I was a little old to watch this, but it was pretty cool in 97'). My sister and I were discussing cartoons tonight. I can't really remember any from my childhood, except for Pinky and the Brain, Tom and Jerry, or Animaniacs. From conversations about this with friends, because of my inability to recall or recognize other cartoons, it has been concluded that my childhood was lacking a certain something. I am convinced if I go to Disney world, eat Count Chocula, and watch a solid day of old cartoons from the early 90s, I will outfit myself with a new sort of fulfillment (or completion).

Tonight my sister and I pin-pointed the source of our lack in children's programming growing up -- going to our Nonna's after school. Everyday we used to walk there and she would make us watch General Hospital and Y&R and then later, I would watch Columbo, Quincey M.E, and Murder She Wrote with my Nonno. Not a dose of reality, but perhaps, imaginative programming for adults. After all this, as we ate, Nonni would change back to the home channel: CNN.