
oh, my. life preservation...

I often pride myself on being a reality outlaw, but lately reality has pointed it's big chewed finger nail at me and said "Fuck you Andrea." To top that off, it hasn't even offered me a bone. Ok, i'm luckier than most. I get it. But a girl is allowed to complain about a grand total of 3 things that ar crucial:

1) Reality of the Library suck:I'm sitting in the library at school. I really despise sitting here and doing work when it is this busy. I wish the third floor was clear because it smells like hot and sticky. It's gross. I think I should buy a study carol for my house, because the walled-up surroundings -- devoid of lingering eyes -- is why I come here. I get alot of stuff done here (as you can tell), but fuck man, it's a toss up.

2) Reality of trying to be a working girl: I am also pissed off about the way the world works with hiring students. You need xperience before you can even get a job -- they don't like fresh out of school. Does a fresh diploma smell bad? Is it ugly? So how do we get experience, a little thing called an "internship." When i want to make money, I STILL can't because most of the internships offered are underpaid OR for school credit. WTF. I hate the job force right now. Oh how I miss the simple days of high school. I'm pumped to make money, but that won't be for a little while longer obviousness. I should just start my own thang. Anyone want to start a publishing house with me? I need a Shuster to my Simon. We could be stars. Apply within.

3) Monetary Reality: As a result of reality #2 = $0.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/24/AR2007072401991.html - check out this news story. Friggin hilarious. I'm doing a project on Copper mining. yeah i know. but this is funny.